High specialization, extensive experience
The highly qualified anadrasis corporation utilizing the knowledge and experience for the trends that predominate in the international markets, uses tested methodologies and tools and offers added value and consulting sevices that cover the below basic sectors:
- Strategic business planning
- Administration of projects and developing programs
- Consulting marketing services
- Economic studies
- Technical studies
ANADRASIS with its years of experience and skilled manpower aims at providing businesses and organizations of public and private sectors with high quality advisory and technical services enforcing their development perspective, investigating the interior and exterior environment and planning the increase of their competitiveness extroversion.

Anadrasis in particular develops a set of vertically integrated activities that cover and complete the management range of an investment project:
- Investigation of the optimum financing/funding program
- Preliminaryevaluation and assessment of the budget’s investment
- Provision of investment projects consultant
- Elaboration offeasibilitystudiesforbusinessintegrationprojectsin development programs (investment law, National Strategic Reference Framework, Rural Development Program)
- Study- Design- Supervision- Management of InvestmentProjects
- Completion ofthe investmentlicensing procedures
- Provision of services by technical firms consultant(provision ofTechnical ConsultingBusinessServices)
- Elaboration of electro-mechanical studies
- Providing Engineering Consultant services for energy upgrading of residential building projects
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